For my rules, I have chosen to define combat die roll modifiers as either being offensive, defensive, and conditional. Conditional modifiers always apply to combat die rolls, but the other two types will only be used in specific circumstances.
Likely modifiers will include those below, although this is not the final list.
If attacker is infantry:
Defender Threatened by friendly cavalry: +2
Friendly artillery in support: +2
Each supporting unit: +2
Attacking from Woods (except light or skirmisher): -2
If attacker is cavalry:
Friendly infantry in contact with enemy: +3
Friendly artillery in support: +3
Each supporting unit: +1
Attacking defender in Open: +1
If Cossacks in woods: +2
In Close Terrain: +2
Fortified: +1
Protected: +3
Fatigue: -1 per Fatigue Point (FP)
Disordered: -5
Enemy in contact in flank/rear (each): -2
Rating of Lead Battalion: +/-
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