Tag: imagi-nations

  • The result of my rules-writing effort, at least in this current instance, is to create a body of rules which cover a wide-ranging period of warfare, from Ancients to Far-Future, and to also provide different play experiences, based on what the player(s) want. Below are some of the variations for which rules will be provided.…

  • Beyond the tactics cards, there are also order cards for movement and other actions. Below is the tentative list of such cards for Horse and Musket Era games, but it is still a WiP. Movement Assault – 7 Up to two parent units may be selected by the active player and one or more elements…

  • As the attacker, the acting player will determine the total number of chits to be pulled for combat resolution. He must choose the minimum number but may choose up to the maximum. This choice must be declared aloud before drawing the first chit. The active player draws each chit, one at a time, and resolves…

  • For my rules, I have chosen to define combat die roll modifiers as either being offensive, defensive, and conditional. Conditional modifiers always apply to combat die rolls, but the other two types will only be used in specific circumstances. Likely modifiers will include those below, although this is not the final list. Offensive If attacker…

  • As I continue to refine the rules I want to play, and then also share with others, I went over the mechanics of the tactics cards. Previously, I had considered having these cards have an effect the combat die roll and the number of chits drawn, but following my changes to the latter, what was…

  • One of my pet-peeves with board games and miniature games is when the combat mechanics allow for situations where units within close range of each other cannot conduct combat without command points or cards or an activation die roll allowing them to do so. It just does not make sense to me when a unit…

  • Setting aside movement distances/speeds, for now, the particulars of maneuvering troops on a battlefield, and the time required to do so, has always proven to be a point of fascination for me. How could such a relatively small force of dismounted cavalry withstand more than double its numbers of infantry for over two hours, on…

  • Morale: “the confidence, enthusiasm, and discipline of a person or group at a particular time” – Oxford Languages Dictionary Morale, in miniature games, as well as board games, can be a very tricky thing to get “right.” All too often, a set of rules allows for an entire army to crumble at once, whereas others make…

  • In certain circumstances, some types of units are able to attempt to evade an attack. Among these are cavalry, artillery batteries, except heavy and siege, and skirmisher infantry. Where the defender wishes to evade, he rolls a d6, adding the target’s rating and further modifying the roll as appropriate from the list of evasion modifiers.…

  • Most armies will, of course, be comprised mainly of infantry. At least, this is true for land battles. I believe my rules will work for sea battles, too. However, for the period for which I am specifically intending to primarily use my rules, horse and musket, both cavalry and artillery will need to be handled…